Salesforce Id
Your Full Name
There is just one correct answer to each question.
1. Your role as a money coach is to...
Teach about financial education and give advice to those struggling
Provide a space where people can come together to learn about managing their money in a supportive, non-judgmental way and give guidance
Show people the right way to manage their money
2. Money Coaching is not for...
People who have household income and outgoings they wish to manage better
People who want to be a financial advisor
People who want to take control of their finances
3. CAP's vision is to see...
Transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty
Transformed budgets, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty
Transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to budget poverty
4. As a Money Coach you are not able to give...
Help with paperwork when specifically requested by a participant
5. Please follow your church's policies, procedures and guidance on data protection to ensure compliance with...
Equality Act 2010
The UK General Data Protection Regulation
6. If you identify a potential safeguarding concern in respect of a participant should you?
Talk to the participant about this and give them advice and support in managing this
Call Social Services or the Police directly to report the potential concerns you have identified
Contact your church Safeguarding Officer and share your concerns with them
7. Is the following statement true or false: I can call an organisation on behalf of a participant with their knowledge and consent.
8. When running all nine of the money coaching modules, CAP suggests running the modules over...
Two sessions
Three sessions
Four sessions
9. Think back to the video you watched in module 6: When using the CAP money management system, to allocate your weekly spend allowance we suggest:
Withdrawing cash on a weekly basis ONLY
Making a weekly transfer or standing order to your weekly spending account and then spending using your card ONLY
Making a weekly transfer or standing order to your weekly spending account and then spending using your card OR withdrawing cash on a weekly basis
10. It's good to network with other CAP services and coaches. Which of the following would be inappropriate to discuss?
Any upcoming money coaching courses
If they have partnerships in place with local organisations and charities
Anything about the participants you've had on your course
11. A participant asks you to suggest a savings account, what should you do?
Suggest the same account you use and explain its benefits
Provide a comprehensive rundown of all the savings account options
Explain that you cannot provide advice and signpost to comparison websites such as Money Saving Expert
12. A participant spends £110 weekly on cigarettes, what should you do?
Inform them that smoking that amount is bad for their health and for their budget
Without their knowledge share their details with the local support which runs operations in your church
Support them in finding ways to fit within their budget